Ep.320 – From the HSI Sprinters Series to Netflix’s Sprint – A Talk with Ato Boldon
Mainathlet - Ep.320 – From the HSI Sprinters Series to Netflix’s Sprint – A Talk with Ato Boldon
From the HSI Sprinters Series to Netflixs Sprint A Talk with Ato Boldon
In this special episode of the Mainathlet Podcast, we are joined by sprint legend and 4-time Olympic medalist Ato Boldon. Known for his incredible speed, sharp insights, and charismatic presence, Ato takes us on a journey through his extraordinary career and shares stories that will inspire athletes and fans alike.
Ato reflects on his journey from being a soccer player to becoming one of the greatest sprinters of his generation. He reveals how a coachs advice changed the trajectory of his life, leading him to a world of track ...
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