Ep.322 – From Germany to the Philippines: Oleg Zernikel's Global Fan Journey
Mainathlet - Ep.322 – From Germany to the Philippines: Oleg Zernikel's Global Fan Journey
From Germany to the Philippines: Oleg Zernikel's Global Fan Journey
Dive into an exclusive conversation with Oleg Zernikel, the renowned German pole vaulter with an unexpected yet passionate fan base in the Philippines. In this special episode of the MainAthlet Podcast, Oleg shares insights into his journey as a two-time Olympian, the challenges and triumphs of his career, and the unique experiences that have shaped him as an athlete and person. From his beginnings in athletics to his ultimate goal of earning a medal at the Olympics or World Championships, Oleg takes us through the highs and lows of elite pole vaulting. ...
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